Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 47

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 49

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 77

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 79

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 98

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 100

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 201

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 203

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 217

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 219

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 277

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 279

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 291

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 293

Warning: The magic method __unset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 807

Warning: The magic method __isset() must have public visibility and cannot be static in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php on line 809

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/cfgen/texy/texy-compact.php:47) in /mnt/data/accounts/j/jslab/data/www/notepad/__core__/lib/http.class.php on line 8
Gadget pro měření srdečního tepu | Adam's Notepad

Gadget pro měření srdečního tepu

Změřte si srdeční tep (puls) na základě času, za který napočítáte 10 tepů. Toto měření vám nezabere více jak 15 sekund a můžete mít kdykoli během práce přehled o vašem srdečním tepu.

Tohle je můj první Google Gadget. Inspirací pro něj byla aplikace pro měření tepu, kterou mám na hodinkách (resp. bych měl, kdybych se donutil k tomu, abych koupil novou baterii).

O tomto gadgetu najdete více informací na AH's gadgets a nebo si jej můžete rovnou vyzkoušet…